Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Grinch Games

 Grinch Games

So this isn't about travel, but I couldn't pass up sharing some fun holiday minute-to-win-it games (we play 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds) that we recycle each year with family and friends.

Candy Cane Chopsticks: free-for-all

  • Candy Canes (2 pp)

  • Mini marshmallows (lots)

  • Red solo cups (1 pp)

One hand holds the cup firmly on the table; no moving the cup.

The other hand uses 2 candy canes as chopsticks to pick up mini marshmallows as fast as you can, and place them in the cup. Candy canes can be upside down or rightside up. If you can grab more than one mallow at a time, go for it. Whoever has the most mallows in their cup at the end of 30 seconds, wins. 

Candy Cane Slide: 2 ppl per team

  • Yarn (long string, 1 per team)

  • Candy canes (3 per team)

  • Empty beer or other glass alc bottles (3 per team)

2 partners hold each end of the string, standing across from one another so the string is taught. 3 bottles are spaced out between the 2 partners, underneath the string. These can be empty beer or wine bottles for example. One person adds a candy cane to the string, and the partners work together to slide the candy cane down to a bottle of their choosing, and lower the string so the candy fits in the bottle opening. They then have to unhook the string from the candycane, and begin working on the next 2. You can move up and down, side-to-side, and forward and backwards, but your feet can’t move. First team to place all their candy canes, and unhook the string, wins.

Candy Craziness: free-for-all

  • Straws (1 pp)

  • Plates (1 pp)

  • m&ms (a bunch)

Grab a straw and start sucking. Your goal is to try and hold an M&M on the end of your straw, to move it from the center of the table, to your paper plate. Whoever has the most M&Ms on their plate at the end of 30 seconds, wins.

Rudolph’s Race: relay race

  • Rudolph printouts (1 per team)

  • Pom-poms (a handful per team)

  • Vaseline (1 tub)

This is one of my favs! Everyone puts some vaseline on their noses, and forms a line, one team vs the other. At the other end of the room is a colored printout of Rudolph’s face, one per team. Rudolph also has vaseline on his nose. On your mark, get set, GO! Teams go face-first down onto the table to try and get a craft pom-pom stuck to their nose. Once they get one stuck, then run to the Rudolph poster and transfer the pom-pom to Rudolph’s nose. Once the pom-pom is clearly stuck to Rudolph, the next person on the relay team is up. If a pom-pom drops at all, you can replace it on your nose, but…no hands. This might involve getting down on the floor to restick it to your nose! The first team to transfer all their pom-poms to Ruloph’s nose, wins.

Candy Cane Catcher: free-for-all

  • Candy canes (lots)

  • Plates (1 pp)

Everyone will hold a candy cane in their mouth. They will use the opposite hooked end, to “hook” as many candy canes from the middle of the table and drag them onto their plate. No hands, only to reposition your candy cane in your mouth if it gets out of place. Whoever has the most candy canes on their plate at the end of 30 seconds, wins.

Max’s Tail Tuck: relay race

  • Ribbon tail with pen (1 pp)

  • Empty beer bottles (1 per team)

Create a “belt” around your waist with ribbon/string. Then create a “tail” in the back via ribbon/string with a pen attached to the bottom. Everyone breaks up into relay teams, sending one person at a time down to an empty bottle. They have to dip the pen completely in the bottle, and then they can run back to tag the next person in line. No hands to steady/adjust the string. Just steadying yourself and squatting down. First team to make it down and back, wins. 

Hungry Hungry Reindeer: free-for-all

  • Large marshmallows (lots)

  • Paper plates (1 pp)

  • Red solo cups (2 pp)

Everyone dons a red solo cup to each hand, creating reindeer hooves. They then push the cups together to squeeze a large marshmallow, and transfer it from the middle of the table to their plate. Whoever has the most mallows on their plate at the end of the 30 seconds, wins. 

Snowball Scoop: free-for-all (1 at a time)

  • Cotton balls (2 bags worth)

  • Big mixing bowl (1)

  • Serving spoon or spatula (1)

This is a game where usually one person goes at a time. The one person is blindfolded, as they scoop cottonballs with either a serving spoon or spatula, up into a mixing bowl they are holding in their other hand. Whoever has the most cottonballs in their mixing bowl at the end of 30 seconds, wins. You might think you are scooping a lot of cottonballs, but it’s hard to tell if there is anything on your spoon/spatula because the cottonballs are so light. The best was when this happened to my nephew, as he had no clue he was holding the spoon upside down. 

The points determine who wins, 

and who is crowned Holiday Cheer-meister



    1st = 5 pts

    2nd = 3 pts

    3rd = 1 pt


    1st = 3 pts

Friday, December 8, 2023

Holiday Card 2023 (Throwback Edition)

 Holiday Card 2023

Throwback Edition


I saw this trend on TikTok/Insta, and thought it was hilarious.  

If you are interested in downloading my design to create your own holiday cards, here is the link to my Leap storefront page. 

Friends/siblings/families will surprise each other by taking a shopping trip to JCPenneyes to pick out their wardrobe (think 80s and denim-on-denim), and then visit the JCPenney Portraits studio by Lifetouch. This is where they recreate those awesomely awkward poses that have flooded the childhood homes of many 70s/80s babies.  


Here are 2 videos for example, but a quick google search will reveal some of these photos I’m talking about.  


I asked Matt if we could do this. But. To save money. We shopped our own closets, setup my iphone on self-timer, and got to work moving the couch in the family room. 



These are jeans I currently wear. The denim studded vest is from my ever-trendy best friend Morgan. And those velvety chucks? Those are my sneaks from middle school. Yup. I wore those in 7th grade. And yes. They still have gel pen colored all over the sides of them, bc gel pens were cool when I was in that age, along with drawing on your shoes when you were bored in class. 
Matthew tucked in his denim shirt and viola. Hahahaah


Thanks to some videos we found online, we knew what poses we were going for.


Matt didn’t seem too into it at first. But when it came time for the jumping/holding poses, that had to be done in under 10 seconds for the timer, he couldn’t keep it together. Anytime he had to hold eye contact with me and maintain a straight face, he lost it. Caused lotsssss of outtakes. But that also led to some great candids. 




We had a lot of photos to choose from. And honestly. Some of them I think are actually pretty cute hahah.



We narrowed it down to a few, and decided to make a Holiday card.

I have always been one of those ppl that judged other ppl for sending out Holiday/Christmas cards. But this was just too good. I couldn't wait to share it with friends, and their reactions were great. 


I created this design on Canva, and have it formatted perfectly for a 5x7 postcard print (front and back). 

If you are interested in downloading my design to create your own holiday cards, here is the link to my Leap storefront page.

I ordered prints through canva, bc after shopping around, that was the best price. And free shipping! 


We had a fun time with this JCPenney photo shoot trend, and wonder if we can be as silly & creative for next year. 

Half a Day in Little Wild Horse Canyon

Little Wild Horse Canyon (1/2 a day) This was our 5th stop of our Mighty 5 Roadtrip . While not a National Park, it was not a park to miss! ...